1 Year of 9Round

I really thought I was due to update this week not last. Gotta get better with my reminders! Work has been absolutely nuts the last few weeks. And looks like it'll keep up until Mid-December now!!! I finished October down 4 lbs and so far I'm down another 2 for November after only losing 1 in Sept. Weight loss is definitely going slower, but I'm staying the course. Averaging 16k steps per day and hitting up 9Round 3-4 times per week. A memory popped up from last November where I was cleaning out some clothes and found my old basketball shorts. Here's a shot that clearly shows the progress made. What a huge difference a year of 9Round has made to my physique and overall health. 70 lbs lost between these pictures!!! Next committed update 12/1/17. It's gonna be crazy with work and Thanksgiving.