So much for monthly posts!!

I guess I did not come through with my commitment to post here monthly starting in Jan huh? So here's my first post for 2022. I've not done very well with my weight this year. The good news is I've lost about 8 pounds the last month or so. Hoping to keep the trend up. Bad news is I'd gotten back up over 320 over the summer. I've not done well with tracking my food, but I can clearly see from the two graphs above that I've done better losing weight when I track my food. So I really gotta keep that up. I've kept up my run training with Garmin this year. I don't think the 5k goal is going to happen because of the weight I've put on and I'm just not doing well with getting faster in the short time. I am doing better with keeping and sustaining an running effort for the long run though. Since early summer I've been doing a 1/2 marathon training plan. I'm scheduled to run the Huntersville Half on Dec 10, which I'm confide...