Do you feel any better?
I get asked that question every time I discuss my journey with someone. I generally respond with 'well I'm still old' and let it go at that. Lately though I've been giving it some real thought and I actually do feel a lot better. It's one of those things that's kinda hard to pin down, but I have thought of two key things I know lead to feeling better: I don't take ibuprofen every single day much less morning and night any more. I don't have to lay on the ground with my legs elevated to relieve my aching back anymore on a daily basis. The other thing is that I can see myself alive beyond the next 5-10 years now, obviously none of us know the future, but I definitely see myself in a more long term future than I did when I made the first post back in 2016. As 2017 winds down, I'm very close to breaking 300 lb mark, but just can't quite get there. I'm confident it'll come in time. I did the high part of our christmas lights again...