
2.5 Years!!!

 Well I got off track on blogging and my weight loss journey.  I've done a good job getting back on track with fitness and dropped about 15 lbs of the weight I'd put back on. I missed my weigh in this weekend as well as my daily step count, but did get my 10k this morning before I came into work.  I also weighed in and was down to 317.6! I just checked and that is only 2.6 lbs up from when I made my last blog post. I'm turning 50 in October, so I've got a goal to be in the 'best shape' of my life when my BDay rolls around. Still noodling on what I'm going to based that somewhat abstract goal on.  I doubt I can get back down to 275 lbs, before then or even at all. But there are other health factors besides weight. I was able to complete the Huntersville Half back in December, and was not far off my PR which is incredible considering I was probably 30-40 lbs heavier than the last time I did it. I'm planning to do 50k in races this year before by Bday.  My ...

So much for monthly posts!!

 I guess I did not come through with my commitment to post here monthly starting in Jan huh?  So here's my first post for 2022.  I've not done very well with my weight this year.  The good news is I've lost about 8 pounds the last month or so.  Hoping to keep the trend up.  Bad news is I'd gotten back up over 320 over the summer.  I've not done well with tracking my food, but I can clearly see from the two graphs above that I've done better losing weight when I track my food.  So I really gotta keep that up. I've kept up my run training with Garmin this year.  I don't think the 5k goal is going to happen because of the weight I've put on and I'm just not doing well with getting faster in the short time.  I am doing better with keeping and sustaining an running effort for the long run though.  Since early summer I've been doing a 1/2 marathon training plan.  I'm scheduled to run the Huntersville Half on Dec 10, which I'm confide...

Year end post

 I gotta get back to updating this blog in 2022.  I gotta also get back on track with weight loss.  I did pretty good until the delta surge, but things kinda went off the rails eating wise the back half of 2021 without a doubt.  I'm back up over 300 lbs not just hovering there.  I just went back and checked by 2021 goals: Run 5k in in 31 min 30 Seconds - didn't make Run 10k once per month - achieved Complete 2,021 miles walking and running - achieved Get down to 250 Lbs - not even close I finished by 2021 miles at the end of November.  I'm currently a 2100 for the year and I've stopped tracking some of my walking.  I've only been tracking walks when I wear a weighted vest. I also completed a half marathon on Dec 11.  My goal was to finish in under 3 hours and not be last.  I met both of those goals. Since then I've been focusing on trying to train for a faster 5k time and getting back to doing some strength and conditioning work.  We got...

September Fail to reboot

 My plan to reboot my fitness journey this month was a definitely failure to launch.  I kept up with my running until this week.  I hurt my back, most likely working on my car.  Went to the dr the other day and got some muscle relaxers and prescription ibuprofen with instructions to take it easy for 2 weeks. I can keep up with walking, but I've got to not lift anything of consequence for 2 weeks or run any.  So I may try to do more yoga and see if I can get limbered up some. I'm still on track to make my goal for mileage this year.  I'm still over 100 miles to the good.  Hopefully I can keep that up.  So far walking hasn't really hurt my back.  It is feeling much better but muscle strains take time and the willingness to take it easy even when it starts to feel some better.   It's easy to sit and ice when it hurts, less so when it gets to feeling better. The weather has turned cool, it was in the 40s this morning.  We've got he...

Gotta get weight going back down!!

 I've stayed the track with my running during COVID, but I've lost track on losing weight.  I weighed myself today and was 297!  The good news is that's down a few pounds over the last few weeks, but the bad news is that's at least 10 more than where I've held my weight for the last several years.  I'm determined to do better.  I'd really like to get down to 250 so I'm going to push for it and then do my best to hold it there.  I definitely don't want a lb or two a month to keep creeping back on. I've gotten my 10 miles run every week so far this month.  I got on more 10 mile run on Friday and then the following week it'll be Sept and I gotta go for 11!!   We signed up for the Huntersville Half in December, so I'm hopefully on track to be able to run it.  I do need to do some exercise beyond running.  Not sure if I'm going to join a gym or work out group, or try to do something on my own.  I'm planning to get started next week,...

COVID Delta Wave ramping up.

 We are seeing a wave of COVID cases again.  It's very disheartening after it kinda dropped off to near nothing in June and now we are back up to nearly 10 people testing positive per day in our zip code! Seems every day I hear of someone else I know that's had it recently even among folks that are vaccinated.  We are scaling back some of our activities again and trying to wear masks indoors.  I've been out to restaurants twice this week and feel like I'm taking a risk every time.  My daughter is back in school and my son is back in XC training full time.  So we are back out there, it's just a matter of time I suppose before we catch it.  My concerns are the healthcare workers and hospitals, I really hope they don't get over run again. I did my 10 mile run last week in 2 hrs 13 min.  It went pretty well all things considered.  Tomorrow I think we going going back to McAlpine Greenway.  We haven't been there in a few weeks. Next committed...

9 Mile Saturdays in July

 I've kept up with my 9 mile runs this month.  Last week I nearly got it done in under 2 hours.  Maybe tomorrow I'll break that barrier, but I know it's going to be hot so time will tell.  Doesn't look favorable. I'm doing well keeping my mileage up for the goal of 2021 miles this year.  I'm up over 70 miles to the good so far.  Hoping I don't need the buffer, but its nice to know I have one. My weight is creeping up, I've got to get back to tracking my food again as well as doing some exercise beyond running and walking.  I'm definitely looking forward to some cooler weather in Sept which of course is still a month away. Next committed update: 8/10