Season of changes

It definitely feels like a season of change. We've had numerous protests throughout the country with calls for Police Reform and calling awareness for systemic racism within the Judicial system in the US. It's encouraging to see the widespread and varied folks at the protests, but at the same time it's scary as hell because we are in the midst of the a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is still growing in the US and seems to be growing faster here than other parts of the world. Is some of that appearance because have a more transparent government and press? Or is just that we've done an incredibly shitty job job of protecting our selves and socially distancing. I suspect its a combination of the two, but we are definitely doing a shitting job of protecting ourselves. We are still staying home and minimizing our contacts with others. We've not let our son start back soccer yet, but field space is getting hard to come by at the parks so we may star...