Summer heat is building!
I missed my update last week.
I've been bad about tracking my food the last month.
The COVID-19 crisis seems to be getting worse in NC mostly due to folks tiring of social distancing. Folks are tired of not living their normal lives and haven't seen mass casualties. Basically the disease so far isn't killing folks fast enough for folks to warrant such a drastic change in their lives.
We didn't let the boy start soccer training with his team again this week because hospitalizations are steadily rising along with the % positive of tests administered for the disease. They are practicing in 10 x 10 squares just conditioning and drills I think so I don't know that it warrants the risk of having to get to and off the field with a large group. We are still taking him to fields for individual workouts anyway. We are hoping he doesn't get too torqued off about it, he seems to understand.
Another black man was killed by a cop in MN last week leading to mass protests and some rioting again. It's a prime season for protests, good weather, general unrest and pissed offness along with poor handling by media and politicians. It's just ripe for a long long cycle. It's infuriating to watch and I can't imagine how it must feel for people of color.
Weigh wise I'm about the same. I took a couple weeks off of 9round and weight lifting I had a hurt shoulder and training for work. Then last week the boy had Drivers Ed in the evenings. I've stayed on track with running for the most part. I did at least 6 miles every saturday in May. I have my first 7 mile run for June coming up this weekend. I've done about 6.3 a few times in May so I think I can do the 7. I doubt I increase it any more. It takes about 2 hours to stretch take the dog out on his walk for my warm up walk, then run and then walk a cool down lap. The nice thing is I get Diet Coke as a reward when I'm done. Other than the ones on Saturdays I've cut out soft drinks since I've been home in Mid-march.
Next committed update 6/18/20
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