Marching into spring
We've had 3 seasons so far this March. We actually caved and turned the AC on last night, we were hoping to wait until April, but it was 84 upstairs in the house!!!
I've decided I need a little more cardio in my workouts, ok the results from my biometric screening say that I need a little more cardio. It is supposed to boost my 'good' cholesterol. It's a bit lower than it should be. Overall though all my numbers for the screening were good. They just said if I add some additional cardio that should help bring that number up. That or start eating tuna and salmon. I elected on some cardio!!!
I tried running as far as I could on my morning walk every other song. I optimistically thought I'd be able to run the entire song, ha how wrong I was!!! I did pretty well though and made it back to the house in 30 minutes. So that made the goal I missed last labor day.
Encouraged by that success and not quite trusting of UP app data, I used the MapMyWalk app that evening at the track to verify that I can beat the 15 min mile barrier, 25 years after I failed to do so as a Junior in HS. I killed it at 13 min 38 seconds.
That's the good news. The bad news is my thighs, hips and left knee have been utterly pissed off at me the last few days. I've been told that is typical for new runners and of course I probably should have not tried running as much as I did right off or twice in one day. So I'm looking at downloading at couch to 5k app or the like to ease into it.
I am doing better with running in general though, we've had to run more at 9Round lately with the weather being nicer, plus me going in the mornings. I'm able to complete their 'hill' run basically 1/4 mile run without feeling like I might die or having to walk part of it. The first time they told me to do it back in the fall, I thought they were joking!!!
Weight loss has slowed down the last week or so. I'm not sure if that is because my average calorie intake is down from 2871 to 2655. I'm not intentionally eating less calories, just seems to be happening. It could be my body still sorting out a weekend of very bad nutrition choices from a couple weeks ago. I'll just keep an eye on it and keep doing what I'm doing for now. Overall I'm down 6 lbs for the month of March, so that is a positive for sure.
I have to admit even though weight loss wasn't my original goal when this journey started, I do have 4/22 circled in my mind. I'd like to hit my 100 lb loss mark by the year anniversary of this renewed effort. After February I was confident I'd get there easily, but now I'm not sure.
Next committed update 4/13
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