Late blog update again!!!
I'm not really sure why I can't manage to get this blog updated when I plan to. I'm glad to report that my weight after going up a few pounds this spring has started to come back down. I'm now down 147 lbs overall!!
My success has been featured on our Intranet site at work this week and so I've had some encouraging comments from coworkers. Our company does offer a great set of incentives and benefits to help get healthier. It may not have started my journey but it's definitely helped me along the way.
I've been pushing harder at 9Round and also started running some mornings rather than just walking. That is helping me get the weight loss moving again I think. Running has been a challenge I'd started at the end of the year but struggled to get going again after getting off track. I've been averaging just under 15 min/mile for most of my runs that are around 3.4 miles each morning. Sunday though I only had a short window so I ran just my 2 mile loop and had a great pace of about 13 min and one mile I was under 12'. I can't move that fast in the early mornings but I was surprised at my pace.
Next committed update 8/9
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